Nature’s Ozempic? How myota can boost GLP-1 production

Nature’s Ozempic? How myota can boost GLP-1 production

‘Miracle’ weight-loss drugs like Ozempic are all the rage these days. However, there are downsides - from the cost or lack of research on long-term effects. But what if we told you that prebiotic fibre can mimic these same biological effects, naturally? Keep reading to learn more. 

Caitlin Hall
by Myota Research

Ozempic has made headlines as a game-changing weight loss drug. This injectable medication, initially designed to manage type 2 diabetes, gained popularity due to its impressive ability to aid in weight loss by increasing levels of GLP-1, a hormone that promotes satiety and reduces appetite. But what if there was a natural way to achieve similar benefits without the need for medication?

Enter prebiotic fibre…


What is Prebiotic Fibre?

Prebiotic fibre is a type of dietary fibre that nourishes the beneficial bacteria in our gut. Unlike regular fibre, which simply adds bulk to our stool and aids in digestion, prebiotic fibre specifically feeds the good bacteria, promoting a healthy and balanced gut microbiome. 

Prebiotic fibre fermentation produces some very important by-products, anti-inflammatory compounds known as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). These health-promoting compounds have many health benefits, from reducing inflammation in the gut to promoting satiety and in turn, promoting weight management. 


What’s the link between prebiotic fibre & Ozempic?

In simple terms, Ozempic works by simulating the release of a hormone called GLP-1 in our gut. This hormone communicates to our brain that we are full and should stop eating. Another effect of GLP-1 is the slowing of gastric emptying, essentially meaning that we go to the toilet less. This in turn keeps us feeling fuller for longer.

So how does this link to prebiotic fibre? Well, prebiotic fibre fermentation effectively leads to the same result. When we consume prebiotic fibre, it reaches our colon mainly undigested. The good bacteria in our gut then start to ferment (or feed on) this fibre - in turn producing short-chain fatty acids. There are lots of different SCFAs but one of the most well known is butyrate, known for its role in reducing inflammation.

Now for the crucial connection. SCFAs have many benefits, but the one of interest here is that they stimulate the production of GLP-1 in our gut. That’s right, the exact same hormone behind the Ozempic effect. Increased GLP-1 levels help regulate blood sugar, curb cravings, and reduce appetite.

So, by increasing the amount of prebiotic fibre we are consuming, we increase the secretion of this hormone in the gut. Essentially, prebiotic fibre intake is a natural way to mimic Ozempic, whilst also supporting your gut microbiome.


The far-reaching benefits of prebiotics

The benefits of prebiotics reach far beyond those linked to weight management. 

Prebiotics promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which is essential for optimal digestive health and can alleviate symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). They enhance immune function by strengthening the gut barrier and reducing inflammation, thereby lowering the risk of infections and chronic diseases. Additionally, prebiotics play a crucial role in the gut-brain connection by influencing the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which are vital for mental health and cognitive function. 

How myota can support your goals

The reality is there are only a small number of foods that are rich in prebiotic fibre. Leeks, onions and chicory root to name a few. These are not necessarily the types of food we can just grab and go as a snack!

Increasing prebiotic fibre intake can be difficult, but myota is here to help. Our Metabolic Booster is a comprehensive blend of 8 different prebiotic fibres which will get you to your recommended daily intake in just one scoop.